Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Concentration #6

In this concentration I used 2 citra-solv transfers of a picture taken through a car windshield to create a mirror image. I drew back into the concentration with water color pencil, still keeping the blurry, dream-like feel of the original picture. 


  1. I just love the emotion to this one. It reminds me of the movie eternal sunshine. It looks like a memory. I love it.

  2. Ahhh I totally agree with Kelly on this one. This was definitely a good photograph to choose to repeat/flip. It has interesting shapes and I can't stop looking at it. Good job!

  3. i love this marion! i think the citra-solving is great and really works for your concentration. the more you draw back into it the more creative and cool it will be too. i think this piece really emphasizes and goes along with your concentration idea. great job!

  4. Marion - Good work! I think you are making real progress with pieces 4,5, and 6. I like the abstractness of the image and would continue to push value with watercolor pencil or regular colored pencils. At this point too, I want to see you start experimenting with more surfaces to do the transfers on AND perhaps continue to improve the quality of the transfers. They are working for you so far but I'd like to see if you can get sharper colors and crisper edges. Great progess!

  5. Oh- and this is another repetition structure. What other structure can you draw on to create a more intriguing design? Also, consider how your image will photograph with the odd shapes of your composition. Think about how all of your pieces will look together as a unit.
