Monday, March 30, 2009

Concentration #9

This is my 9th concentration-- depicting good, sunny weather in NC. I citra-solved multiple pictures of my house and the flowers around it and tried to duplicate the brightness of the light and the warmth of the sun. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

1 sentance Concentration

My AP Art Concentration is about exploring and emphasizing the different types of weather in central North Carolina.

We all talked in class about my concentration having more to do with weather than with just rain. I'm limiting myself a lot by just saying "rain" so I broadened my concentration to include weather in central NC. I didn't want to have my concentration be as vague as "weather" or even as vague as "weather in NC". I obviously don't want to have to do hurricanes or extreme weather in my contentration.. so I decided to concentrate on only central NC (the weather I'm most farmiliar with)... What do yall think?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Concentration #8

I did four citra solv transfers... two of which are tinted red, the other two are black and white. I drew back into the black and white with colored watercolor pencil. I'm trying to portray a rainbow through the colors being put into the black and white. I'm considering bringing the rainbow colors more into the middle and allowing the outsides to stay black and white. 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Concentration #7

"Rain is something...soothing"

I did a citrasolv transfer of a picture I took through the windshield of my car. The picture itself is very blurry and thats why I thought it would be an interesting citra-solv. The shapes of the trees, road and car came out very blotchy and, once again, tinted red. I worked back into the picture with watercolor pencils then water color. Originally I had the road extending through the sky but that looked odd. I think the blotchiness of the clouds and shapes conveys the soothingness of the rain. The shape and curve of the road also helps convey that rain is soothing. 

Concentration #2 REDO

"Rain is something... scary"

This is a citra-solv transfer of a picture I took just before a storm. There is a very foreboding cloud right behind the tree. The dark colors of the cloud transfered red-ish and I worked back into it with water color and watercolor pencil. I'm considering two black and white citra solv transfers on the sides to add to the "scary" effect. 

Concentration #1 REDO

"Rain is something...Beautiful"

I love the details of the drops on the window and decided not to do a citra-solv. The detail of the individual drops was lost in the transfer so I started over with jut a print out, then went back and added color to some of the drops to make the picture more interesting. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Concentration Statement (revisited)

I have always loved the rain, even when I was young. There's something about listening to it fall on the tin roof of my house or snuggling under a blanket in the living room and just watching it fall. What some people would find annoying about the rain I don't mind. I've never had a car that fishtailed in the rain, I love when the power goes out during a thunderstorm and I don't mind getting soaking wet.  My only complaint about the rain is the gigantic puddles the rain causes in the parking lot of my school and how I can never seem to avoid stepping in them. 

You can choose to look at rain in a multitude ways and that's what I'm exploring in my AP Art concentration: The ways rain can be viewed or thought of. Rain can be something: scary, cold, fun, helpful, beautiful, soothing, dangerous, renewing, messy, hopeful, promising or foreboding. Rain, like life, is what you make of it. 

Concentration #6

In this concentration I used 2 citra-solv transfers of a picture taken through a car windshield to create a mirror image. I drew back into the concentration with water color pencil, still keeping the blurry, dream-like feel of the original picture. 

Concentration #5

In this concentration I did 4 citra-solv transfers to create a new structure with the tree branches. I worked back into the concentration with watercolor pencils to make the colors more bold.