Monday, February 16, 2009

Concentration #4

I added water color pencil to my photo collage of citra-solv transfers. I left some pencils marks but I added water to create the watercolor paint effect. I'll maybe add a self portrait later on. 

Concentration #3

In my third concentration piece I used a citra-solv transfer of a photo I took, then worked back on top of it. I used different colors of inks in horizontals and vertical drips to create a background. I then created another citra-solv transfer of my own face, then added my hair with acrylic paint, ink and watercolor pencils. 

The yellow ink that drips down the background blends in to help create the hair. Some of the other inks blend into the hair to create different shades and colors. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Concentration #2

This is my second concentration piece that continues my exploration of "rain" in relation to my own personality and experiences. This piece concerned with STORMS. Everyone has "storms" or hardships in their lives that they must overcome. In this piece I have created a photo montage of both photos I took and other storm photos (thanks to google). The photos are different sizes and some are cut up into parts and spread over the composition. On top of the photos I used acrylic inks. I shook a brush loaded with silver ink on top of the concentration to create the drops. I also poured purple, light pink, blue, green and yellow inks onto the concentration and let them drip down while also blowing on them to create different patterns as opposed to just letting them drip. In the future I hope to add self portraits of my profile in the future.. one in the bottom right looking up and one in top left looking down. I hope to use a combination of tissue paper and inks to create my profile.