Thursday, January 15, 2009

AP Art Concentration Statement

I am not an average person. I've always thought of myself as free form, unable to be classified under any stereotype or generalization. For example, I go to a private school but I have grown up and live in the country. Another example of the unique aspects of my life is that I prefer rain to the sun, unlike the average person. I've always loved the rain, its so free form and different--like me. To demonstrate my unique personality and lifestyle, I choose to use the rain as the subject of my AP Art concentration. In my concentration I will investigate twelve different ways to view rain- through windows, puddles, droplets on tree branches and car windshields. I will I hope to represent not only the unique diversity of the rain but also my own diversity as an individual in my AP Art concentration. 


  1. Marion- This is a good start but very broad. I think you need to further define what makes you have a unique personality and lifestyle? How does each drop or summary of droplets represent your personality? What emotions? What diversity in passions? You have a great start and end but the middle needs to be more clear as to exactly what you plan to create to demonstrate YOU.

  2. Artist Response:

    1.What suggestions will you use to demonstrate an obvious and purposeful use of the elements and/or principles? If this project were to be turned in to the College Board today it should be very clear what element or principle of art the work focuses on.
    2.How can you create a more engaging design using one or more of the principles of art?
    3.Do you feel that your work demonstrates your idea (concept) while also creating an effective design using the elements and principles of art?
    4.What did you try to do to create informed risk-taking within the parameters of the project? Think about what we have studied thus far in the year (this is where the artist should be moving beyond the basic mastery of concept and presenting the idea in a new way to take a risk).
    5.Think about your personality and your personal vision for your artwork – what did you try to do that represents who you are through the parameters of this project (structure and the self-portrait)?

  3. Marion- What is the message or content with your images of the rain? What do you want the viewer to see when looking at your work? What is it you hope to communicate through the images of rain?
